Union Pacific Locomotive 844 Steams into Truckee
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Downtown Truckee, California After polishing off a milkshake at Jax At The Tracks today we were thrilled at the sight before our very eyes, the largest Steam Engine we’ve ever seen. Legendary steam locomotive No. 844 chugged into Truckee on Thursday afternoon, October 4th 2012, puffing gray and white plumes and delighting elementary school children, local residents and train buffs. No. 844 is travelling 13,000 miles through 15 states as part of Union Pacific’s 150th anniversary celebration. “Our 150th anniversary continues in the western U.S. as we thank our communities for supporting Union Pacific,” said Scott Moore, vice president, Public Affairs West for Union Pacific. “We are happy to celebrate our past and look forward to continuing to meet America’s freight transportation needs.” After lumbering over the Sierra Nevada, No. 844 will be on public display in Sacramento, where visitors can step inside Union Pacific’s vintage Promontory baggage car, now transformed into a state-of-the-art traveling museum. The exhibit takes visitors back in time using the latest interactive touch screen technology to illustrate how Union Pacific supported communities as they were established along the way the transcontinental railroad was built. The interactive experience culminates with the modern Union Pacific Railroad, which transports goods and consumers everyday. Check out No. 844 at the California State Railroad Museum, Old Town Sacramento, 25 I Street. Information from the Sierra Sun : www.sierrasun.com Posted by Tori Long Locomotive 844 Video - Truckee, CA Locomotive 844 Photosno images were found