Northstar Presents Carve Tahoe This Week
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Northstar, California Carve Tahoe returns to Northstar this week. Professional sculptors from all over the world come to Northstar for this special event to produce great works of art and show off their incredible sculpting talents. Having seen the finished products firsthand last year, I can assure you that this event is worth a trip to Northstar to see. 20-ton blocks of snow will be transformed into spectacular sculptures in just a few days. The Canadian carving team went to work early on the Village sculpture. We snapped a few pictures to show you how a masterpiece can evolve in just a few hours. By the end of the week, the Village at Northstar will be home to a number of unique sculptures. Join us Friday for the illumination of the sculptures with multi-colored lights and judging on Saturday. Carve Tahoe is a wonderful event displaying impressive talent and creativity! For more information visit We look forward to seeing you in the Village next week, and if you can’t make it, stay tuned to our blog for photos of the finished sculptures. Photo Gallery